Friday, August 12, 2011

Get in that Ass


As I predicted, the resumption of university has resulted in the necessary hiatus of my short story project. Although I do hope to continue writing in lull periods, it does seem like it will be a while before I reach one. Again I hope this doesn't deter you from staying invested in the story. If you do nothing else, I recommend re-reading the first four parts at some point just to refamiliarise yourself with the events and maybe even some of the stylistic features which I feel, correctly or otherwise, may have been slightly neglected upon first reading.

This edition of Sporadica contains another laugh-inducing video and also the textual representation of some of my thoughts.



This edition's Stream-of Consciousness rambling concerns an issue that many people hold very dearly to their hearts. You guessed it, I'm talking about Asian iced tea and other assorted beverage chains. In the past two weeks, I have discovered the existence of three stores belonging to separate franchises concentrated around the Broadway Shopping Centre area. To all those familiar with the area, or University of Sydney students, you know I'm of course talking about the overly optimistcally named EasyWay, its deceptively talkative competitor Chatime and the ridiculously anthropromorphic Happy Lemon.

My personal belief is that if the fantastically eclectic and diverse Newtown area that King St runs through needs one thing, it would be any combination if not all of these outlets being represented on the walk to the station or indeed stretching into the Enmore area. It is an area that severely lacks in any such portable beverage establishment, with the only store present being the utterly lacklustre juice franchise named after a Cadbury chocolate bar. My hope is that one will be incorporated into the current renovations of Newtown station, but failing that, I hope at least one pops up sometime before I no longer traverse that street on a regular basis due to no longer having to go to uni.

A comment poll for you readers:

Given the choices of EasyWay, Chatime and Happy Lemon, how would you rank them, and what would your favourite beverage of all time at your favourite establishment of the three of all time be now and of all time?

Till next we sporadic,

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