Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What I've been up to

Welcome back!

Firstly, check out Eric's post if you haven't and give it some love. I wouldn't be able to write anything close to how good the stuff he writes so definitely have a read. It's worth it.

Anyway, yes, I haven't blogged in a bit. BUT that doesn't mean I have necessarily been up to stuff. Actually, I've been just doing random stuff, without any purpose, which has been a massive waste of my 5 week holidays. Argh.

However, I watched Transformers 3. It wasn't as good as the first one, but it was still alright. There were moments in the movie where Michael Bay tried to make the robots invoke emotional responses, such as through a certain Transformers death and other events in the movie that I won't spoil. However, lots of action and guns and stuff. Pretty crap ending.

Looking forward to watching Harry Potter 7 Part 2, to see how it all ends. Apparently it is well worth it, according to facebook, so that's all good.

Been out to play basketball as well, to try and save some of my fitness. Not sure about what I'm going to do but I might try and get back into dancing. I've been thinking this for ages, and just can't bring myself to go out and do classes and stuff.

Also, been thinking of making YouTube videos and putting them on this blog. Think Wong Fu Productions, including maybe some song covers and vlogs. Just something I think would be cool to have as a hobby and try and create awesome screenplays and things.

I can't say that there's much else I have done. So, I'm going to work on that and maybe get to blog about something interesting next.


What Ngiammy's been watching on YouTube

Follow Instant Bun on Facebook and so on and so forth.

You don't have to understand cricket to understand how hard this is.

A nice cover.


Anonymous said...

i want that piggy cushion from the Kate Perry cover! :)
nice changes to the blog guys (Y)

Anonymous said...

awesome blog ! :)

Huy Tran said...

i reckon Transformers 3 was pretty good. no Megan Fox though.. </3 i didn't even watch the trailer of 3 to know that she was already axed off..== *sigh, lolol. [SPOILER] Cybtron's battle with Optimus ended very fast aye? doesn't look like there'll be anymore Transformers then.. ): Yep! will be watching Harry Potter 7 Part 2 this week. hope it's as good as everyone on Fb says it is. (y) (y) Wongfu ftw! i want their shirts.. so cool. and talking about vlogs, check out this one? he's funny. :3