Saturday, July 2, 2011

A New Column


As you are all now aware, I am now a columnal contributor to ngiammy. The column will most often include my own compositions or thoughts about things that interest me in the world spanning everyday life, pop culture or stream of consciousness. You're welcome to comment or leave a message in Ngiammy's cbox if there's something you would like to see more of.

This column will introduce the first recurring feature: Synchronica. As you are aware I have been known to write poetry and listen to music, I'm very much cool like that. I have however turned my attention to other pursuits, including a short story I finished a few weeks ago and have neglected to write poetry for almost six months. Writer's block had also contributed to this hiatus of sorts. Recently a close friend suggested a revival was in order and that I could perhaps find inspiration by combining the two interests and challenge myself to write based off whatever music I was listening to.

I immediately realised this was a wonderful idea and so I gave it a go. The first few attempts garnered results that were nothing short of dubious. I eventually concocted after several more failures an end product I was happy with. These are not masterpieces, these are simply imperfect experimentations. Apropos the poem itself, I will not provide any interpretational comments but if you particularly like or detest one then again, feel free to post your thoughts.

One word on the discrepancy between the length of the poem and the length of the accompanying music. You could all understand that it takes far longer to construct something cohesive and worthwhile in text than it does to listen to something that has already been constructed. Although most of the circumstances will result in the poem being read before the music ends, I encourage you all to finish listening anyway. At the very least, you may find a new song that you enjoy.

This inaugural Synchronica poem is titled Shattered. The accompanying song is called 'The Departure' and is taken from the soundtrack of the film Gattaca.




Impoverished slivers stir and excite
the cauldron bearing, their sparkle of lost fame
and familiarity dissipating beyond retrieval.
The bubbles purge in kaleidoscope - they pop
rainbow - and before the scythe slices through,
they chimera and chimera again. Blurry soapy
utopia, foamy affront to the realm of the deep,
pure iridescence folded within the waves.
Submerged and subdued, the cries of aqua dispel
and display for all to see, for those who can,
see, past the morrow.

Lenses tinged with double vision, the world appeears
more peaceful - none of that amorphous energy, that
incalculable, that insatiable - and all the time
in the world lends itself. Aspheric entropy departs
from the established pattern, now fragmented,
its pieces scattered along the midway ridge.
A rescue mounted, not entirely flawless tears,
by no means a complete loss, but the current drives
the minutiae. The fundament crucial sings. Embedded,
there is no more to be found, not to value any less.

Till next we sporadic,

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