Monday, July 18, 2011

Harry Potter 7 Part 2 Review!!!

Although I don't think this will be a very interesting post, due to Eric's need for the aesthetic appeal of alternating posts on this blog, I'm writing up one to fill in the space, as he's already got his next post ready. ARGH, got to do things that are blog-worthy or something. So, anyway...

Went to George St. cinemas, to enjoy Mappen, the noodle place that I previously blogged about, then to show my dominance at pool, then to watch the final Harry Potter movie, with Eric and a few other friends.

Here's a picture of Mappen:

The actual noodles and soup are at the top right, and you have the fried tempura stuff on the left, and then you have the tempura sauce in the front and kimchi just to the side of that. No idea why I have the tempura sauce in the forefront of the photo, because, really, the actual main course, the noodles should be there, but I guess I was in quite the rush just to eat everything.

And so, HP7P2 was a good movie to sit through and marvel at the special effects, the terrible attempts at humour and all that is Harry Potter. There are a few memorable scenes and stuff, nice pictures and things. There were a few dumb bits and stuff that was a waste of time, but it's still a nice movie to sit through.

And I'm not one to go to a movie, and get angry and all fussy over it. Whatever. Just sit there and enjoy it. Be entertained.

There's not much more for me to say really. In fact, I've already forgotten most of the movie, albeit, the scenes that I'm reminded of on facebook, with the annoying facebook groups, pages and likes or whatever they are now, that people insist on joining and publicizing to everyone else. Those things just irk me.

Anyway, that was my non-review of what is the last Harry Potter movie. Just go out and watch it.

And there's only a week left of my holidays before I get back to semester 2 of university, and I have sincerely just wasted away all these holidays and doing nothing of any use, whatsoever. Such a disappointment. Also, totally underprepared for whatever university throws at me first week, and going to start with the robotic routine that it looks like I'm in for.

Just a thought. How often have you thought that you were going to do something, such as get fit, or find a partner or whatever that you have wanted, and just out of sheer laziness, not done it? I'm constantly in that gear, just doing nothing, as time passes by, as these holidays have done and it frustrates me. My lack of ability at lots of things just frustrates me.

And there is no reason why I don't do anything I, for a single moment, intend on doing. It's so intrisically terrible and so unfulfilling.

And even if I were to declare to do something, right now, on this blog, it is only inevitable that I will, in most likelihood, end up not budging a single inch to achieve that.

Irritating, isn't it? I don't think I'm the only one that experiences this.

So, in this somewhat random philosophical set of sentences that I've just written, all I can really ask myself is 'Why?'. Just, why?

ARGH. So infuriating.

Anyway, Eric's got another part of his story coming up, for you to marvel at his literary genius. I've got nothing more to say.

P.S. If you think the name 'Eisegesubrations' is a good one, please comment so. It'll make me feel better for letting Eric choose that. ;)


Huy Tran said...

well you have another 6-7 days of holidays left~ use it well! even though i've done a lot these holidays, i still want it to be longer..== 5 weeks of holidays is not enough for me! LOL.

i just started playing Badminton again 2 weeks ago, but only on Sundays. Tonaye and Melissa decided to come join. maybe you should do something similar?

talking about Eric, friggin' hell, i have to keep in another tab, LOL. so many words..i've never heard of.. but keep it up Bingshui! you're expanding my vocabulary. =D and and, nice stories. looking forward to the next one!

Kim's Brain Hates Me said...

How was the Mappen - did it have a Soba-ing effect? Badminton is fun, my dad plays every weekend - if only I wasn't so terrible at it.

microlol said...

Eric, is it really necessary to alternate posts?? But I'll see you in uni soon ngiammy. Play some pool and you can dominate me :D teach me a few things.

Kim's Brain Hates Me said...

cf. Relocation