Friday, June 10, 2011

I'm now blogging once more.

Yes, I am back, reviving my blog in the middle of STUVAC (5 days away from exams)!

But, WHY?

Well, I noticed on Elena and Huy's comments on her blog (

Elena: Looking forward to [my blog]~ will be waiting... for a while :3
Huy: forever*

And I thought, making them wait forever would not be the nice thing to do. Maybe I should start my blog again, just for them.

Then I realised, keeping a blog would help me make some of my thoughts public to my friends, to whom I assume my blog readers will be, and that might help me out some time. I thought it could also help them out some times as well.


Should I write about my life as I did in the past? Nah, my life is pretty boring. So I can't only write about that.

Shoud I write about food, due to my love of eating? I wouldn't be able to sustain it.

Maybe I should write about all the things I'm interested in too, such as dance and music, so my blog would be an amalgamation of all the things I liked.

I want this blog to have an effect on people, so I've decided that I would also write about some of the psychology stuff that I'm learning about and some of my thoughts.

I want to have random videos of myself on this blog...I've got a few ideas...if I can be bothered to try and make them...

I might draw a little as well...

Therefore, after much agonisation, I am just going to write about interesting stuff in my life, such as about people or situations I encounter, stuff I find interesting, and my thoughts on random stuff.


In the end, I wrote in my blog description, "A blog of my insights into myself, people and society, written for the betterment of myself, my readers and society."

That's really a lie...I don't know if I can make the "betterment" bit happen, or if I can stop people from reading that as "buttermint", but we'll see what happens. I just want people to be happier, including myself.

So, below this will be a random assortment of typical things that I imagine myself blogging about in the future. Yep, it's going to be a VERY LONG blog.


Edit: THIS BIT IS A BIT DEEP AND PHILOSOPHICAL, so feel free to skip ahead.

A friend and I went to play basketball at a local gym complex, in the indoor basketball court. At this complex, there were a lot of little school children whose parents had brought them to be in gymnastics classes. Cool.

Well, oddly enough,  my friend and I were just shooting around, an energetic boy, in Year 1 or something, in his tardy school uniform, randomly started to run around on the half-court we were shooting at. He was having a ball, spinning around in circles and hiding from friends of his. You know, doing little kid stuff.

I am not making a point about the carefree life of children and how I wish I could go back to those times.

This little kid ended up asking me if he could shoot my basketball.


I, just rolled the ball to him (because he was barely bigger than the ball), and he took a few shots. Of course, he sucked, but I found myself saying whenever he got it in, "Good shot".


There are two things I would like to bring up.

Firstly, how innocent must the child be, to walk up to two scary guys, one of them being myself, a random Asian stranger, who looks like he could be 20-something, who are shooting a basketball amongst themselves, and asking if he could join in. Just think that, an adult would never do the same, and ask to join in a friendly game.

For example, at my local outdoor court, we often play pick-up games of 3v3 or 4v4 of whoever is there. And there will be people who will shoot on the other ring, obviously wanting to join in, but quietly just shoot by themselves. The reality is, you just have to ask, and most likely, people will subject to whatever you ask, such as letting you play in the pick-up games. And a rejection is not going to be hurtful or anything. Why do teenagers and adults avoid this, while some little kid can approach two teenagers with such carefree-ness?

I thought that was pretty interesting.

Secondly, what the hell was I doing? Letting some little kid, and I'm not sure many people would be. But in hindsight, although I was just being nice, I probably made that kid's day. I'm also sure that the mother of the kid would also feel a bit happier that some random took care of their kid...maybe.


After this amount of typing and reflection, I have no conclusion to come to. Whatever.


America's Best Dance Crew Season 6 just finished, and a major disaster has been averted. What disaster? Well, the final two crews left to battle it out included a group called the ICONic BOYZ, who were basically a group of 11-12 year-olds dancing very simple routines. Although they danced alright, especially for their age, they were definitely not one of the best two crews on the show this season, but due to the show being on MTV, and the amount of teenage girls (think Justin Bieber fans) who were won over by these "dancing Biebers", they were able to survive until the finals.

Now, I do think the best crew could be a group of 11-12 year-olds, but they'd have to be pretty awesome. ICONic BOYZ, well, were not.

Okay, screw trying to sound nice. ICONic BOYZ SUCKED. Like, they shouldn't have been on the show in the first place.

Anyway, the winner ended up being I.aM.mE, which was my favourite crew from the start. Check this out:

This is an absolutely awesome crew. Check out the related videos as well.


A novel and hilarious way of bringing attention to an issue. I like these kind of stunts and maybe I will do some of my own:


Anyway, that's just a bit of what to expect on my blog in the future.


1 comment:

Huy Tran said...

Ngiammy! you finally came back! CHYEAH! (y) yeah, we were afraid we'd have to wait forever. WE'RE GLAD YOU'RE BACK NOW!
get a Shoutbox yeah? :D Cbox is just too crap to hold just 100 messages WITH spam..== ughs.
sounds like you're interested in that little boy aye..? ;) JKJK! HAHAHA you guys are too nice! glad I.aM.mE won yeah? :D their last performance was pretty good, but i reckon their other ones were better. DON'T SHOOT ME! D: the bike video was just LOL. i feel so bad for laughing every time he fell!! xD
and JUST WONDERING~ are you having a problem with your Followers app? o__o i can't seem to see mine. D;
we hope to hear more from you soon when you're not busy. (: